Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Winding Down

Well, on Sunday we took a bus for about an hour and a half until we got to the coast, and our bus drove onto a ferry. I thought it was really similar to the ferry from Michigan to Wisconsin, but some other people had never seen anything like it. It was really fun to relax on the water though! Then we had a quick bus ride and walk to our hostel. To say the least, the hostel is very small. I'll post pictures soon, but it was definitely more what I was expecting from a hostel than our place in Copenhagen.

Interestingly, on the ferry, Cam ran into Aries Spears, a comedian who used to be on MadTV. He gave us 17 free tickets to his show that night! It was so strange. We downed some burgers or chicken sandwiches from Sunset Boulevard before the show and ran over, cause we thought that we were running late. Turns out, we had the time that doors open, so we just hung out there for a while. The show was realllll raunchy, so it was a bit awkward to be sitting there with our two professors, but it was pretty hilarious, for the most part. Afterward, we all walked around Aarhus and hung out in the courtyard of the hostel all together.

Monday was a pretty chill today, which was very nice after the fast pace of Copenhagen. We got up a little later than usual and ate breakfast. The next thing we had on our agenda was lunch, so we just hung out until then! We ate lunch at this place near the harbor, and I had a DELICIOUS hot dog. They're really great here, which is kind of funny. They love pizza and hot dogs. Anyway, we then were going to take a bus to this Psychiatric Hospital, but we ended up getting off way earlier than we were supposed to, so we had to walk a ton. It was a pretty walk though! The actual hospital was pretty stuffy and small, but it was interesting to see some of that stuff. I think that most of us were interested in the fact that they still have fences up around portions of the buildings so that people who currently live there cannot get it. It was a bit freaky, cause we don't see that kind of thing in the United States. Anyway, after the tour, we took a brief walk along the water and checked it out. It was PACKED, because it was a holiday here. However, it was beautiful. We all went to dinner together at an Italian place near our hostel that night and had pizza and listened to Jordan's friend, Frank, talk about being a philosophy teacher at a really interesting school. Students are not graded, and it's totally based on their own free will. Subjects are more artistic, like music, art, nature studies, philosophy, etc. We all went to bed pretty early and relaxed as people have been getting sick and getting run down.

Yesterday (Tuesday), we had breakfast at the hostel again, which was pretty delicious! Then a group of us went over to the beach that we briefly visited yesterday. At first it was a bit chilly, but it warmed up well, and we got to go swimming in the Baltic Sea! It was pretty amazing and super salty-much more than I was expecting. I loved it though, and I got some sun, which is always nice in the summer. We headed back to the hostel so that we could go to the ARoS art museum at 2 with everyone. Melissa and I went through the museum pretty fast, but it was pretty cool! The rainbow room was definitely the most unique part. I really enjoyed it. Jimmy, Melissa, and I went shopping in Aarhus and checked out Tiger, which is a pretty famous store here that is kind of a mix between a dollar store and IKEA. Very interesting set up and items included. We went to an awesome buffet place last night where we got filled up! Then I did some laundry at the hostel and hung out with the group in the courtyard again and headed to bed!

This morning we're heading back to Copenhagen on the bus and ferry.

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